Financial Management (BHM, 4th Semester)

Financial Management (BHM, 4th Semester)

Price: RS. 455

Author: Arun Neupane Sudarshan Giri

Subject: Financial Management

Grade: BHM 4th Semester

Published Year: 2020

ISBN: 978–9937–600–81–1

Version: English

  • Description
  • Syallabus

Hospitality Financial Management is an essential part of the economic activities of the hospitality industry which leads to decide the efficient collection and utilization of finance profitably. The hospitality industry is becoming increasingly international with large multinational chains that require appropriate financial management techniques. So the hospitality manager needs sound knowledge of financial management tools, techniques, and procedures to ensure commercial success in an international arena.
Our goal in writing this book is to present a practical approach to hospitality financial management that provides students with a clear description of the financial management concepts, skills, and tools that they need to become successful managers or entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry. This book provides detailed information about finance with simple language and the concepts are explained with easy examples. The target audience for this book is the students of BHM 4th Semester of Tribhuvan University.
Books are not written single-handedly. We would like to express sincere gratitude to Mr. Ganesh Kumar Karki for his valuable support and to the Professors and teachers for their invaluable comments and suggestions during writing this book.
We hope you find this book to be a stimulating read and that your career benefits from your enhanced ability to recognize how financial management techniques and procedures can be applied in hospitality management.
We would appreciate and be obliged with any suggestions and comments from our esteemed experts and readers so that we could improve our book in the next edition.
